Welcome to our series where we dive into the history of people that you need to know. I can’t wait to share with you the history of others as this website is all about history, culture, and food. Let’s get to know the history of Bernetta.
Where were you born and raised – Born and raised in Evanston, IL (North Suburb of Chicago)
Who were you in High School? What type of person were you as far as quiet, popular, etc.? I wasn’t the popular girl that’s for sure, but of course would have liked to be. We only had one high school in our city so EVERYBODY went there, and most of our parents went there. And like I said I wasn’t popular, I was known. Everybody was known. My mom was popular in our city, so I was more known because of her than me just being me.
I was a cheerleader my freshman year, on the B team. I did run track all 4 years, but quit my senior year (I regret that). Also, I think I was a typical teenager, I loved the parties, doing different hairstyles, dressing trendy, and the boys! I will say, I thrived on being different. More with clothes and hair. I loved coming to school wearing something I created or something I knew no one had. And because I was always doing my hair differently, I started doing other schoolmates’ hair. That was my first business.

Share something from your past that you don’t mind sharing (good or bad) and what did you learn from it. How did it shape who you are today? Give us a history lesson……
I have two younger brothers. The older of the two is 5 years younger than me. The younger of the two is 7 years younger than me. The older one was killed in 2005 going to get something to eat. Shot. The younger of the two has been in and of prison since he was a teenager. He is in prison now. He will be 40 this year. He’s been in jail longer than he’s been free. So although we grew up together and have felt like an only child for many many years. I wonder how our lives would have been if my brother had lived and my other brother had chosen a different path and they would’ve started families and my children would have a relationship with their uncles and had cousins. It’s sad and lonely. Because of that, I’ve made sure my kids know how important it is to have a great relationship with each other. Love each other, support each other. I’ve also made my children aware of what road bad decisions can take you down.
Share your top 5 favorite Songs of all time Girl, this is a hard one. These might not be of all time but what I can remember as I type this. I love so many songs. But here goes: Love (Music Soulchild) Just Fine (Mary J), PYT (MJ), Some Fred Hammond Gospel song (can’t think of the name), and Something by Whitney Houston … LOL! This was so hard.

Shout out your favorite small business – I’m going to shout out my husband because he has done a great job in his business and the growth he’s had over the years has been AMAZING. He’s a realtor with 24 years of experience. Licensed in GA & FL, top producer in both states, and sold over 100 million in real estate.
What do you regret not doing? Why haven’t you done it? I regret changing my major from communications to marketing. I really wanted a career in TV and I feel was the fork in the road for my life. But on the flip side, the road I traveled down has made me use marketing so much, it’s like God knew I needed to do that. Marketing is ingrained in my life in some form or fashion all of the time and in a funny way, so is communication. The cool thing now is if I want to get on TV it’s possible because the old way of doing things has changed. I guess now I just need the right opportunity.
You can find Bernetta at these links below.